Daftar isi
Donut microwave in a mug.
Bunda harus have Donut microwave in a mug Menggunakan 9 Bahan-bahan dan 3 Langkah. Inilah cara Anda memasak .
Komposisi Yang Digunakan :
- 1/2 tbs melted butter unsalted or slightly salted.
- 2 tbs coconut flour.
- 2 tbs almond flour.
- 1/2 scoop protein powder (sy pake rasa strawberry).
- 1/2 tsp baking powder.
- 1 tsp vanilla powder.
- 1 egg.
- 50 ml uht milk.
- Peanut butter (optional).
Langkah Membuat :
- Mix all ingredients together, if too thick, you can add more milk.
- Make a hole in the center to fill with the peanut butter or anything else.
- Cook in microwave for 1-2 minutes.